All your beef are belong to us

Monday, February 17, 2003

Beef Story #94

Author: Jonathan Krause

I have some major beef. Ohk, there is this weird girl here at Lingnan who is really weird, and she has some kind of indescribable grossness about her that is magnified by her ability to make me feel sick. I've been trying to avoid her, but she likes to talk to Americans and she ends up EVERYWHERE I am. She goes to the same meetings, she sees me around campus, and her dorm room is right by mine; she's even in one of my classes AND she goes to the same church! It was going to be two classes, but I dropped the other class. hehe.. I showed her! She advised me to reconsider! I'll reconsider NOTHING! HAHA But in the other class I have to run out of the room when class ends so I don't have to talk to her, it's like the toilet that Reuben has to deal with. So here is the beef, the church I go to is really far from school and this family offers to drive people in their car from our school, which saves me lots of bus and MTR fees. I said I'd go in their car this week. I've gone a few times and it is usually not too bad because a few different students come with us. But guess and who ends up coming this week?!! JUST ME AND HER!!!!!!!!! No other people to make it easier to avoid talking to her. Usually three people come. AND today turned out to be "compulsory going to lunch with the people" day. So I had to sit by her for lunch. I tried to get out of lunch 3 times.. no doing.. I thought the ride there was bad; I tried to make her talk to the family and I innocently looked out the window. But here's the beef. they said they can't take us back! We have to take the bus! A ONE HOUR BUS! Of course I have to go with her and walk and take the same bus and talk and be all "let's go back to school together", and I can't just IGNORE her and be mean. oh my.. it was terrible.. I pretended to fall asleep on the bus and not talk. it was so long.. beef.. beef I say.. Never offer someone a ride them make them go home with beefy people alone on the bus!


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